ASVe, Bailo a Costantinopoli, Carte turche, Busta 252, Fascicle 342, 49

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Date Created
1682-12-25 (uncertain; approximate)
Resource Type
Physical Form
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English Summary - Plain
Order sent by the Porte upon the request of the bailo regarding the bailo's men who go back and forth between Venice and İstanbul to deliver letter and handle business. The Ottoman officials are ordered not to harass them or allow anyone interfere with their affairs. They are to be protected in accordance with the ahdname. However, a man of the bailo (gap in the Ottoman text in place of the name) was imprisoned and his letters were taken. The Ottoman officials are ordered to act in line with the ahdname and release the men and return his letters.
Page Type
Page type: unpaginated
English Genre
Gregorian Date Qualifier
Hijiri Date
Evahir-i Zilhicce 1093:Evahir
Hijiri Date Qualifier
Schema Type
Local Identifier
Gregorian Date (RAD)
Reformatting Quality
Digital Origin
reformatted digital
Internet Media Type
Cataloguing Language
English Summary
Order sentby the Porte upon the request of the bailo regarding the bailo's men who go back and forth between Venice and İstanbul to deliver letter and handle business. The Ottoman officials are ordered not to harass them or allow anyone interfere with their affairs. They are to be protected in accordance with the ahdname. However, a man of the bailo (gap in the Ottoman text in place of the name) was imprisoned and his letters were taken. The Ottoman officials are ordered to act in line with the ahdname and release the men and return his letters.
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