ASVe, Bailo a Costantinopoli, Carte turche, Busta 252, Fascicle 343, 42

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Date Created
1597-06-01 (uncertain; approximate)
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Physical Form
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English Summary - Plain
Order sent to the sancakbey of Mora by the Grand Admiral Halil Paşa regarding corsair activities that are harming the Venetian subjects and lands. In spite of the ahdname and ancient laws, the Ottoman corsairs are attacking the Venetians. An order was already sent with regard to this issue. The sancakbey is asked to obey the order and burn boats and ships that are used by corsairs as an example for others.
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reformatted digital
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English Summary
Order sent to the sancakbey of Mora by the Grand Admiral Halil Paşa regarding corsair activities that are harming the Venetian subjects and lands. In spite of the ahdname and ancient laws, the Ottoman corsairs are attacking the Venetians. An order was already sent with regard to this issue. The sancakbey is asked to obey the order and burn boats and ships that are used by corsairs as an example for others.
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