ASVe, Collegio, Risposte di dentro, Register 7, Unfoliated

Submitted by dragomansadmin on
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Notes for Dragoman Team
has served as Dragomano in Istanbul for 17 yrs, received licenza of Senate on 8/18/1582 to serve then Rettor & procurator, ambassador Giacomo Soranzo , durg trip back (8 months & 24 days), a trip "cosi pericoloso et laborioso, co'รจ noto ad ogn'uno." Since before he left Istanbul t then Bailo Polo Contarini (now savio del consilio) didn't have cottimo money to pay me. was forced to leave w/o money, sent several letters to current Bailo Gio: Franesco Morosini askg for his salary. response: was willg to pay him for up to t moment he left, but for trip should ask gvt. asks for his salary: 112 cechini a yr, so that he can pay back his debts.
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