ASVe, Documenti Turchi, Box 9, Item 1057, Unfoliated

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Date Created
1594-07-03 (uncertain)
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1 item
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Notes for Dragoman Team
Item 1057: undated, incld w letter of bailo Marco Venier of 6/8/1594, received 7/3/1594. Murad III to Doge Pasquale Cicogna. Bailo related to sultan aggression on 14 shaban [1002] =5/5/1594 in Rogoznica against a Venetian galley on which were t rettore (beyi) of Sebenico w 3 sons & o nobles gog to t fair of Spalato; it was carried out at nighttime by 3 galleys, of which one had fanale & flag, and 2 Muslim frigates. the sopracomito of t galley & the majority of those onboard were killed, only t rettor with the sons & some of his men survived; money was taken; the galley was towed while expressions of joy were heard. the bailo therefore requested the return of the complete galley, liberation of the prisoners, reparation of damage & punishment of the culprits. About the facts were interrogated the Lord Admiral [kapudan pasha] Sinan, some provincial governors [sanjaks] of maritime provinces who were in Istanbul & other mariners: all said they didn't know the attacker. the matter arrived to governorship of Valona, directed by Piri bey, who was reproached in a firman sent by way of a messenger [cavush] for not having denounced the culprits; he was also ordered to carry out a severe investigation. in the meantime, the sultan has given instructions to the Lord Admiral for when he'll be at sea; he must retrace t culprits, be they governors or corsairs, punish them and make compensation for the damage in way that will serve as a warning for others in the future. Venice will be fully satisfied by the justice that will be administered to it. the sultan asks that in the meantime the doge impedes any act of reprisal on part of his people against Turkish ships.
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