BOA, Ecnebi defteri, Register 13, Folio 33, Column, 065, Item 299, Unfoliated

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English Summary - Plain
To the beglerbegi of Şam. A large Venetian barca sailed from İskenderun port to Venice with merchandise worth of 400.000 gold. When it arrived to the port of Şam, Emir Ahmed and his kethüda, who is a janissary from Şam and also the iskele emini, Abdulkadir confiscated the merchandise, cannons and belongings of the barca, and enslaved the people. Venetian bailo send his own translator and bazirgans to the area. He (Ahmed) agreed to pay 30.000 guruş back. However, the translator said that "our merchandise and belongings worth 400 000 gold". The emir then refused to pay 30000 guruş since he did not trust the ahdname-i humayun and emr-i şerif that the translator showed and reported to the beglerbegi that there are no such merchandise. The translator came back to Haleb and then to the Sublime Porte, and the Venetian bailo in Haleb also sent a petition. It is declared that according to ahdname-i humayun 30000 guruş should be given to the Venetians.
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reformatted digital
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English Summary
To the beglerbegi of Şam. A large Venetian barca sailed from İskenderun port to Venice with merchandise worth of 400.000 gold. When it arrived to the port of Şam, Emir Ahmed and his kethüda, who is a janissary from Şam and also the iskele emini, Abdulkadir confiscated the merchandise, cannons and belongings of the barca, and enslaved the people. Venetian bailo send his own translator and bazirgans to the area. He (Ahmed) agreed to pay 30.000 guruş back. However, the translator said that "our merchandise and belongings worth 400 000 gold". The emir then refused to pay 30000 guruş since he did not trust the ahdname-i humayun and emr-i şerif that the translator showed and reported to the beglerbegi that there are no such merchandise. The translator came back to Haleb and then to the Sublime Porte, and the Venetian bailo in Haleb also sent a petition. It is declared that according to ahdname-i humayun 30000 guruş should be given to the Venetians.

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