ASVe, Bailo a Costantinopoli, Carte turche, Busta 250, Fascicle 331, 63-62

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Date Created
1605-03-15 (uncertain)
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English Summary - Plain
Nişan granted to the Venetians by the Porte. This document outlines rights and obligations of the Venetian merchant, including the bailo, consuls, dragomans, merchants, and others. Accordingly, if a Venetian ship is attacked by Muslim or non-Muslim corsairs in the areas under the Ottoman jurisdiction, the Ottoman authorities are responsible to return goods that are stolen. If those goods are found in possession of an Ottoman subject, they are to be extracted and returned even if they claim to have paid for those. Dizdars of fortresses that are on the shore are to refuse entry of corsair ship and prevent trade with them. If possible they are to capture those corsairs.Disputes between the Venetian subjects are to be referred to the bailo.Apart from customs fees that are determined in the ahdname, no more fees, taxes are to be requested from the Venetian merchants trading at the Ottoman ports. In case of a Venetian subject escapes from Venice and takes refuge in the Ottoman lands, he is to be returned if requested by bailo. Non-Venetian subject travelling on Venetian ships are not to be enslaved. If galleys or other ships of the navy come accross Venetian ships, they must not demand any gifts or money. Ships for commercial purposes from Crete or other islands can carry out commercial activities and no one must demand extra fees, taxes from them. No one should oppress or demand tribute from dragomans that are in the service of bailos and consuls.Uskoks residing in the fortress of Seng and warring on the sea and land are subjects of the Beç(Habsburg) King and Venetians are not to held respobsible for their attacks. Venetian subjects and their allies are allowed to visit safely Jarusalem and repair the church called Kamame.Any disputes involving the Venetian consuls should be referred to the Porte and heard in the Imperial Council so that no one will oppress them locally. Consuls and dragomans are not to be oppressed.
Gregorian Date Qualifier
Hijiri Date
Evahir-i Şevval 1013:Evahir
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reformatted digital
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English Summary
Nişan granted to the Venetians by the Porte. This document outlines rights and obligations of the Venetian merchant, including the bailo, consuls, dragomans, merchants, and others. Accordingly, if a Venetian ship is attacked by Muslim or non-Muslim corsairs in the areas under the Ottoman jurisdiction, the Ottoman authorities are responsible to return goods that are stolen. If those goods are found in possession of an Ottoman subject, they are to be extracted and returned even if they claim to have paid for those. Dizdars of fortresses that are on the shore are to refuse entry of corsair ship and prevent trade with them. If possible they are to capture those corsairs.Disputes between the Venetian subjects are to be referred to the bailo.Apart from customs fees that are determined in the ahdname, no more fees, taxes are to be requested from the Venetian merchants trading at the Ottoman ports. In case of a Venetian subject escapes from Venice and takes refuge in the Ottoman lands, he is to be returned if requested by bailo. Non-Venetian subject travelling on Venetian ships are not to be enslaved. If galleys or other ships of the navy come accross Venetian ships, they must not demand any gifts or money. Ships for commercial purposes from Crete or other islands can carry out commercial activities and no one must demand extra fees, taxes from them. No one should oppress or demand tribute from dragomans that are in the service of bailos and consuls.Uskoks residing in the fortress of Seng and warring on the sea and land are subjects of the Beç(Habsburg) King and Venetians are not to held respobsible for their attacks. Venetian subjects and their allies are allowed to visit safely Jarusalem and repair the church called Kamame.Any disputes involving the Venetian consuls should be referred to the Porte and heard in the Imperial Council so that no one will oppress them locally. Consuls and dragomans are not to be oppressed.
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